




【El Bandoneonista】- 彭靖惠 Fusion Blanca







〈El Bandoneonista〉 (中文版歌名〈河〉),她以獨特感性的中低嗓音,與鍾興民(Baby)老師激情浪漫的鋼琴,交纏述說著一名阿根廷手風琴手的故事,感動了無數的心靈。


而最近她邀請探戈同好、也是白融合(Fusion Blanca)手風琴手---程希智,重新改編銓釋這首歌,更加純粹而多情的手風琴琴音;與小貓不同於三年前的口吻與情緒,重新進錄音室一同把她原創的故事再次說給大家聽,這次更加費心巧思的是,特別與新生代影像動畫設計師;同時也是畫家的「小子」合作,由小子全程操刀完成的MV使得小貓的故事更加完整。







--- 5月30號河岸留言西門展演館的Miloga《樂舞會》---





隨著新版的〈El Bandoneonista〉,放鬆你的身體和心……我們擺動起舞吧!




Once upon a time there was a boy
His eyes were dark and tender
He dreamed of becoming a tanguero
But he was born unable to walk

One of the days when he was playing the bandoneón
For a local band in a festival
He saw this tanguera
Who hadnt returned the heart
The heart she stole from him a long long time ago

On and on he played her favorite songs
While she was dancing beautifully with others
When he saw that happiness on her face
He smiled along

The boy and his bandoneón
Melodies of joys and sorrows
When the milonga ended
And when he played the last note
What would be waiting for them behind the door

On and on he played her favorite songs
While she was dancing beautifully with others
When he saw that happiness on her face
He smiled along

When the milonga ended
When he played the last note
Life would go on like theyd never met before







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